About Karen

I grew up on a continually growing wonderful farm in Southern Alberta where I learned the marvelous natural laws of planting seeds, nurturing their growth and then the work and joy of the harvest. I helped plant a large garden of vegetables, nurture the young plants to reach harvest, and then to taste their fantastic flavors.
I didn’t realize the health benefits from the garden, nor of the many delicious beef and chicken meals from our own raised beef and truly free grazing chickens. These formative years prepared me for a heart towards food as medicine, for a desire to empower others to grab hold of this also.
For some reason when I was finishing high school, contemplating what would be next, the only three main “jobs” of major focus in my scope at that point of life, were nursing, teaching and secretarial. I wanted to be like Florence Nightingale!! So, I went to the University of Alberta School of Nursing, Edmonton, Alberta for two years, where I also met my husband, Erik Cragg, who was in dental school there also. After he graduated, we married and set off for Nova Scotia. We had three amazing sons and we all journeyed together throughout his military career, travelling from coast to coast (Halifax, NS to Vancouver Island) in Canada, two years at Fort Benning, GA while Erik took post-graduate studies, spent three years in Germany, returned to Ontario, Canada and soon moved to Cape Cod. I worked in several offices for a non-profit and then began to realize I had a dream to help people with their health and welfare in the world of nutrition and lifestyle.
I graduated as a Functional Nutritionist and then completed the Functional Nutrition, Lifestyle Practitioner courses.
Besides loving working with people, I have my nose in books of various topics much of the week, often taking on-line classes from some of the current doctors and nutritionist, and I love nature, music, art and all things beautiful.